Friday, May 29, 2009

Superstore Muffins Nutritional Information

Where does the language?

linguists have always wondered:
"Where does the language?"
But how do you know? How can I go back to the first human being on earth who uttered the first words and how is it that those first words we come to a language so complex?
In 1979, however, a revolution in Nicaragua set the stage for what became one of the most illuminating natural experiments, from the linguistic point of view, the history of the birth of language: deaf children created a new language.

Children who had never been able to express their thoughts, that he had not meant for them the word "think" they found themselves together and from this union, using gestures households who used to understand the basic needs to their parents, created a real language, a fluent language and grammar, a language rich and refined, one of the most beautiful languages \u200b\u200bon earth: the NSL (language signs of Nicaragua) ...

Click on the link side by side you can find the video ... of course the BBC is in English! ~ pumpkin NuoviFile / Silent% 20Children% 20 -%% 20Horizon 20BBC% 20 (Mar.97). wmv

For Translations to Italian: http: / / ~ pumpkin NuoviFile /


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