L 'Education is concerned about family relationships education:
- within the family, or as parents raise their children (parental activity).
- to the family, or how the service system supports parents in the educational task (social practice).
parenting or parenting is the same as adults can help children grow into healthy living context, capable of producing well-being, therefore drawing out, guide, helping parents to enhance their educational skills, their potential, helping them to give a sense of direction to acting education, to planning 'EDUCATIONAL, which allows you to create a sense of continuity and identirĂ in children.
The intent is both promotional budget, in a context of everyday life, not clinical.
To do this requires a view to genuinely and actively padagogica, which requires:
- Context in which families can become aware of their emotional resources
- containment
- stimulus
- repair
- control
- promotion
- restore confidence in its competence
- AND OBSERVED DISCUSS different educational models as an opportunity to reflect on their own, become aware, to choose for themselves whether and how to change them and turning them from CASUAL SPONTANEOUS in .... INTENTIONAL
often talk about family in terms of problems, but today we need to start talking about family in terms of resources.

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