Monday, May 4, 2009

Primary Game Dune Buggy Cheats

Experiences from the end! The meeting

To make sense of what I write and I want to share a piece is missing: why?
What is my project?
It 's time of presentation (self would say).
schoolboy's Degree in Professional Education, after many vicissitudes spent in cognitive psychology and psychobiological (vicissitudes which took place over many years in university), with the birth of my little baby who now looks like everything except for a little baby, I decided to change course Mom ... Dad, I want the teacher!
The reasons are manifold: first of all is that I just saw it, I, Claudia to support conversations or, worse, give test to my future patients, from the top of my desk and with an aseptic white coat.
The second, in which I firmly believe, is that I think I was born for this job: a job because of proximity, closeness, respect, sharing, reflection, responsibility, decision, revision, honesty and loyalty, justice.
So change course, not without the uncertainty of a human being when faced with new challenges. Exchange, but with a difference, with that little baby that made me upset parent and how to see and experience myself.
There would be a whole book to make it in writing here, I've done on the investment in him in us since we submitted the first Once in the study of the ultrasound! But in short, the time that is more like a sausage than a human being and after a myriad of courses to prepare for the VITAL It breaks, I see.
I understand that parents are not born, but you become parents, every day.
I understand that there are no perfect parents (but hard!)
I understand that parents are wrong, and often.
I understand that parents must learn to forgive their mistakes.
I understand that parents can and must apologize to their children.
I understand that parents have more expectations on their children.
I understand that expectations should not dominate the personality and needs children.
I understand these and many other things, many continue to include step by step, day by day but these are my own, personal, mine and mine alone, because as I said, fortunately and unfortunately there is no one right way to be parents, no one can ever boast of having the handbook of the perfect parent, but we can 'learn to find time for themselves and their children, the time to understand that parents want to be my son, as can be and to become aware and responsible parents .
In these two parallel paths (the parental and academic) have carried out my experiences in recent years and my main interest was then to be able to combine these two courses in parenting support.

Today: I'm attending the first level Lis ENS of Padua, with great enthusiasm because the Lis is a wonderful language that is teaching me not only able to reproduce the signs and communicate in Lis but really, and very much more.

The project
Wanting to join the triad (parenting, Univesità, Lis) my idea today is to increase my expertise with regard to deafness, to devise a plan to take care of hearing parents of deaf children.

Parenting is indeed a hard work and imbued with barriers, uncertainties, doubts, mistakes and achievements, but for parents (and specifically for parents of deaf children-who are deaf or non-) I think it is necessary to have a path of support that takes into account the implications that includes deafness, but also the educational difficulties that parents normally found in the structure their relationship with their children.

  • Creating a working group to support parents, who maintain the distinct educational and clinical.
  • Opportunities for mutual support groups to parents through regular meetings, or contact the parents can rely on their path.
  • Assisting parents in choosing a communication style shared key to a positive affective and emotional development of children. (The Lis !!??)
  1. in early childhood create opportunities for them to use different communication channels than hearing (ie above the visual channel, and the touch screen) such as massage to the child's narrative stories with the help of images.
  • Supporting parents in the acquisition of self-sima (support estimate), sharing fears and emotions related to being parents (emotional support), improve parenting skills by providing information and highlighting their importance (information support), parents as a resource within the family.
  • Underlining the importance that is inherent in the home: the deaf child should be able to familiarize and use it in childhood and / or adolescence all the tools that make it autonomous and independent (DTS, bell .. .)
  • Creating a support network which also includes the school environment, relations with the teacher and with fellow
  • Assessment of quantity and quality of the interactions of children in the class.
must remember a fact that a deaf child has to acquire a clear and well defined, even with respect to their deficit.
A child with a cochlear implant that is beginning to feel (we would be here to open another chapter), when he goes to bed at night off the system and is a deaf child, just like me who are myopic, that when not wearing glasses stop being shortsighted, but sempicemente use a tool that allows me to overcome the deficit.
(The metaphor is a bit risky?)


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