Saturday, May 30, 2009

Three Wheel Motor Bike

I discovered she is pregnant a winter day of my 24 years ... worried about my health, having taken two pregnancy test by now I was convinced that I was not really good if my continued delay to increase and could not be pregnant ... It was a
periodaccio in truth, I suffered anxiety attacks Panic began to appear more often, crying for no apparent reason, and preferred to spend some days in bed.

I introduce myself by ultrasonography, the machine gun with all my fears, my anxieties about my health and he tersely says: "OK, now we see." Start
ultrasound and looked at the screen, but I can not see anything until they told me at one point: "What do I say when I say that you are pregnant?".
Step to the sitting position in a nanosecond, suddenly, in 3000 teeth with a smile and say "Davveroooo? Well I tell you I'm so happy!"
It makes me see the body of the crime, that beans of 8 mm., Makes him a photo album, and I always go out with that smile at 3000 teeth clenching me those photos. Simon was waiting for me outside, I did not tell him right there but I could not stop smiling. I'm holding up the car, I see pictures and read the report: "We will be three!"

Thus began my adventure as a mother, like a ray of warm sunshine on a dark night.
Along with that child is born in me a new person.

My greatest wish at the time was right to put all of me in welcoming my baby, to live every day with stomach awareness, love, sharing, listening ... I then embarked
most beautiful experience that changed my life, along with Nicholas: I had a prenatal education course organized dall'ANEP (National Association of Perinatal Education):

A child who is born has a story to tell ... If

for the harmonious growth of the child's psycho-physical balance is important that during pregnancy the parents communicate with him and look after him emotionally then it is of fundamental importance is the quality of communication and the report that will propose.

If respect for the child means that he has the right to be:

  • heard
  • understood
  • accepted
  • loved as it is, getting adequate feedback to their messages, support and positive appreciation in its efforts ...

PRENATAL Then the baby has the right to be heard

  • understood
  • accepted
  • and loved as it is, getting adequate feedback to their messages, support and positive appreciation in its efforts.

Here is where my passion and I believe strongly in support of parenthood.
This path has allowed me to improve my self-esteem (indeed, perhaps to have one), to believe in my parenting skills, to understand which parent I wanted to be with my son and
and be.
I was finally freed from all my insecurities and gave an incredible strength ...
It allowed me to find an answer to my questions, and indeed, never cease to make me those questions.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Superstore Muffins Nutritional Information

Where does the language?

linguists have always wondered:
"Where does the language?"
But how do you know? How can I go back to the first human being on earth who uttered the first words and how is it that those first words we come to a language so complex?
In 1979, however, a revolution in Nicaragua set the stage for what became one of the most illuminating natural experiments, from the linguistic point of view, the history of the birth of language: deaf children created a new language.

Children who had never been able to express their thoughts, that he had not meant for them the word "think" they found themselves together and from this union, using gestures households who used to understand the basic needs to their parents, created a real language, a fluent language and grammar, a language rich and refined, one of the most beautiful languages \u200b\u200bon earth: the NSL (language signs of Nicaragua) ...

Click on the link side by side you can find the video ... of course the BBC is in English! ~ pumpkin NuoviFile / Silent% 20Children% 20 -%% 20Horizon 20BBC% 20 (Mar.97). wmv

For Translations to Italian: http: / / ~ pumpkin NuoviFile /

How To Make Naughty Birthday Cake

The project "School for parents," City of Night Padova

"School for parents" is an initiative that, since 2007, offers several series of meetings with experts on the topic of parenting.

The meetings are for all those who care for children and teens, offering insights and opportunities to exchange ideas, support them in discovering the beauty of assisting children and young people to grow, putting education at the center in the heart of the city. Prepared by the Social Services Department of the Municipality of Padua, in collaboration with the University of Padua, Centre for Voluntary Service, the office of family ministry of the Diocese of Padua and Family Associations.
The initiative also provides for a dialogue with the families, through the collection of questions and answers from parents treated in particular by Prof. Paolo Milani of the Department of Education Science and prof. Gianpaolo From the Zuanna Department of Statistics, is published weekly on two local newspapers: "Il Mattino di Padova" on Monday and "Padova" on Friday.


Article published in the newspapers "The Padova" on 15/05/2009 and "Il Mattino di Padova" on 05/18/2009.

Sunday was Mother's Day, I have just become a mother of a beautiful girl, but I did not think it was so difficult ... I look around and I see all these moms happy, I see so much stress and perhaps even sad ...

This mom has not only right but also does well to express his difficulties: there is too much rhetoric pink and blue ribbons around the birth. The child who is born is not only the gift, love, wonder: this is a part, the real truth of a more complex that also includes a storm in the life of the couple, a tornado that disrupts the rhythm, the way be, roles, relationships and habits: Some mothers say that they are suddenly to be "the mistress of the son and the mother of her husband."
Mothers increasingly "elderly", given the continued rise in the average age now where does the "transition to parenthood", feel compelled to love this son: Everybody says that the love between parents and children is innate, spontaneous, immediate.
is not always the case: it must be said that love, as in a relationship, is a deep affection, not just sentiment, not mere emotion, and as with all must be built slowly in a process of mutual attention, listening, of knowledge. It is not something magical was born on the day of birth with the child, is a result of a long process.
Maybe some mothers would feel relieved if they were aware of what, when, at times around the birth, proven by experience of childbirth and the labor of care you need to tackle in the first months of life, they feel inadequate because they can not prove this great love for the child feel guilty and do not dare talk to anyone and no one speaks to them: family tragedies are born into families that show the better face the outside, what the community wants to see.
Why do we need to think that families are always happy?
Why can not we build our communities instead of speech places where you can stop for mothers isolation, give words to feelings, mend a social fabric, not to mask the difficulties, to show how fragile subjects, where it is possible to get the experience of motherhood in all its complexity, the silence and approval? Paola
Milani, Associate Professor Department of Educational Studies, University of Padova.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Beautiful Agony Free Archives


One of the most beautiful films I've ever seen ... no words!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Hooking Up Surround Multiple Devices

The European Charter on the Rights of the parents ....

  • effective education for deaf children is enhanced by an early diagnosis of deafness and
    by early intervention.

  • deaf children must have access to high-quality education that maximizes their abilities and put them in position to reach the fullness of their potential.

  • The views of parents must be respected and valued for the determination of the education of their children and decisions should be taken accordingly.

  • deaf children should be encouraged to express their views about their future and their opinion should be taken into due consideration.

  • associations of parents of deaf children should have the right to be involved in decisions concerning the education of their children.

  • decisions on the education of deaf children should take full account ethical principles of respect for the rights of disabled

The right to comprehensive information

  • Parents must be given full information about their rights and how they can be involved in decisions on the future of their children.

  • must also be provided to parents balanced information about the range of options open communication with deaf children. They should be encouraged to make decisions fully aware

  • clear and balanced information about the range of measures available at local and national level should be given to parents automatically.

  • Anyone involved with deaf children must provide families with advice and information that are clear, and jargon-free language and provided adequate means.

  • Parents need to pass the information on the most important organizations in a position to provide support

The right to support high quality

  • support to parents and deaf children must be provided by qualified professionals
    disabled and those with high prospects. This should include specialist teachers, audiologists, speech therapists and psycho-pedagogues.

  • Parents must have access to support by an informed person or organization that is independent of those providing the educational service.

  • must be given the opportunity to meet regularly with other parents and deaf adults to share experiences.

to meet the needs of all children

  • The educational needs of deaf children should be evaluated in detail by appropriately qualified professionals. These assessments must place the needs of children first, and these needs must be matched with the necessary resources

  • educators and their partners must have access to a continuum of balanced measures that put them in a position to meet the needs of all deaf children.

provides accountability

  • The meetings with the professionals must be honest and open, with a genuine commitment to resolving the conflict when necessary.

  • Parents must be given clear information about the results of the conferences - On what will be done, within the appropriate time and by whom it is responsible.

  • Parents must be consulted about any proposal that will physically can affect them and their children. They must be invited to participate in local arrangements for political strategy.

Action Plan

The Fepeda should present the card to those who hold the decision power in Europe at last to see the principles adopted in the legislation and EU directive

The Charter should be formally presented by members of FEPEDA Institutions (Their MEPs) responsible for disability or education. There should be an appropriate time to do this, planned to coincide with the legislation on disability, etc.. The results should be evaluated by FEPEDA

The Charter should be widely disseminated among the national associations of parents of deaf children and other groups interested bay being.

Individual EU countries should use the card in a coordinated way to start negotiations with the regional or national governments to push for appropriate changes.

Each country is invited to present the card to their governing bodies, urging the "implementation"



  1. Declaration of Salamanca

  2. United Nations Standard Rules on Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities Regulation No. 18

  3. HELIOS European Commission - Principles of Good Practice integrating educational

  4. HELIOS European Commission - Report of the Thematic Group - Supporting families: information, training, roles and responsibilities, involvement, services available

  5. Rights and duties of parents in Europe - Charter of Rights and of Parental responsibility in Europe, EPA


Seco n d or you ..... we do it??

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My search continues ... thanks to the internet!

not start I thought it would be so difficult this journey of knowledge of deafness / Sordità...forse because as in all things that we do not live directly, as long as we live not just a minimum, we can not understand them.

What an effort boys!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Right Side Numbness And Chest Pain

Structure Lis

The signs used by deaf people are not a set of gestures to communicate but belong to a real linguistic register, the register that has a grammar very precise rules for verbs, the plural and singular. That constitute a real language like spoken language. Deaf people have always used, although for a long time in hiding since the gestures were considered 'poor' and it was believed that deaf people using them have never learned to speak.

In the early '60s, thanks to scholars who have studied sign language, from America with W. Stokoe up to Italy by V. Volterra, it was concluded that sign language is a language itself from all points of view of grammar, syntax and morphology that the legal recognition by the European Parliament in 1988 became the official language of deaf people.

The grammar of Lis

- The Sign Language is just a language that uses the visual-gestural channel instead of channel-verbal sounds.
The signs are similar units in words with meanings both concrete and abstract, are performed with one or both hands, taking positions and precise movements. It is a language based on a set of signs and rules of grammar.
The grammar of sign language is constituted by spatial relations, the direction and guidance of hand movements, facial expressions and by the movement of the eyes, eyebrows, lips, body and body positions, which are used to express variations in degree, amount or extent as in the spoken language we use diminutives or superlatives, then its own structure, other than the language spoken in the order that the signs are made showing:

  • place and time (and vice versa),
  • the subject, the object
  • ,
  • the verb,
  • denial and / or interrogative pronoun.
The reasons for dull images, not words for how the hearing. He sees first the object or subject then encodes the action.


The verb is always marked on, but to indicate the present, past and future signs are carried out along an abstract line called the "timeline", located the horizontal plane at the shoulder of the signer:
- signs refer to the past moving towards the shoulder of the signer (backward movement);
- signs refer to the present are performed in the space before the signer;
- signs refer to the future move forward from the signer.
to indicate an action that is going to be, imminent, we use the word 'duty' (eg I'm going to mom = mom I) if the action has already been using the mark 'fact' (eg I ate the meat = meat eaten it).

They move in space according to the direction of one who makes or receives the action (eg those who have given my ring? = Ring I give to whom?, I received a gift = gift -get it).

is obtained by repeating the sign, changing the place of articulation and, in part, the movement.

the personal pronoun is based on a series of gestures and eye signs:
- the first indication is given of themselves;
- the second person is represented by the indication and gaze directed toward the person who talks to the signer;
- the third person is given the indication given to any such person if present, to an indefinite point of space if the eye is turned away but the other party;
- ditto for I, II, III person plural and the movement is semicircular.

The negative sentence adverb is placed at the end of the sentence, the shoulders are moved back and his head is slightly tilted to one side.

affirmative sentences
The facial expression is neutral, shoulders and torso do not have specific positions.

interrogative sentences
The interrogative pronouns or adjectives are placed at the end of the sentence, the eyebrows are arched ( closed question) or the forehead is wrinkled (open question), the head and shoulders are tilted forward.

The forehead is wrinkled and the eyes are wide open, while the manual signs are produced in a more tense.

The eyebrows are arched, the head and shoulders are tilted forward, giving the assurance of application, followed by a pause that gives time to relax the quizzical expression and posture of the body that expresses the consequence of the condition.

has a key role in sign language, grammar (a little 'what is the tone deaf to the voice), without which the movement would lose its meaning: the movement of the body, the breadth and speed are key elements of proper expression in the language of signs, are logical categories of reference, without which the gesture is merely an inharmonious, unnecessary fuss.

the four parameters
signs resulting from the combination of four parameters that constitute the vocabulary of sign language, his vocabulary.

1) LOCATION: represents the articulation of a sign is given of 15 parts of the body (from head to pelvis, the only exception is mini-skirt) and the neutral space.
2) SETUP: It is the form taken by the hand during the execution of the sign, are 56 (26 most used), may be given by the letters of the alphabet or numbers.
3) MOVEMENT: is given by the movement of the hands, wrists, arms, during the execution of the sign.
4) GUIDANCE: This is the position of the palm compared to the signer during the execution of the sign, which may be:
- Towards the signer es. age, satisfaction
- Out of the signer es. Sunday
- Up: es. Thursday
- Down: es.
dirty - To the right: eg.
- To the left: eg. water

changing one parameter changes the meaning of the sign:
place: Mom, sorry
configuration: condemnation, kill
movement: oil, vinegar
direction water, have


are used to identify and to refer to these people is that away, but I never used to direct references. They can be:
- descriptive and non-descriptive, that is when they identify a person through its own unique physical character, or linked to its social role, his work, or through a particular skill;
- arbitrary, that is, when you use a letter in the name of the person, most of the original.

How Do You Stop Being A Heavy Sleeper

Family education and parenting

L 'Education is concerned about family relationships education:
  • within the family, or as parents raise their children (parental activity).
  • to the family, or how the service system supports parents in the educational task (social practice).
The welfare of the family that is closely interdependent on the quality of support that it gives and receives within his social network.
parenting or parenting is the same as adults can help children grow into healthy living context, capable of producing well-being, therefore drawing out, guide, helping parents to enhance their educational skills, their potential, helping them to give a sense of direction to acting education, to planning 'EDUCATIONAL, which allows you to create a sense of continuity and identirà in children.

The intent is both promotional budget, in a context of everyday life, not clinical.
To do this requires a view to genuinely and actively padagogica, which requires:
  • Context in which families can become aware of their emotional resources
  1. containment
  2. stimulus
  3. repair
  4. control
  5. promotion
  • restore confidence in its competence
  • AND OBSERVED DISCUSS different educational models as an opportunity to reflect on their own, become aware, to choose for themselves whether and how to change them and turning them from CASUAL SPONTANEOUS in .... INTENTIONAL

often talk about family in terms of problems, but today we need to start talking about family in terms of resources.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Car Dolly Blue Prints Free

We are all educators

We are all educators ....
Yeah ... that's it, this enormous responsibility not beat it, touches us, it is inevitable as the queue at the supermarket (the cashier obviously affected by AIS or the chick in front of you that wants at all costs the couple towel that has "won" with the dots) ... we are all educators, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer, in joy and sorrow ...
everybody, bianchinerigiallirossibiondi, bellibrutti, bambinigiovanianziani,
happy-happy-sad, anxious, worried, desperate
no doubt about it. We all because
requires educating the change, a transformation in which we are all for every day of life every second.
The transformation requires not only big changes, but even small reflections, meetings and experiences. Who educates
not a hero, maybe an anti-hero who makes mistakes and sometimes learn from them.
Education is not only evolution, but also decline.
educate is thought and instinct. Educating
is altruism and selfishness.
educate is proximity and distance.

educate is welcome, but above all let go ...

Monday, May 4, 2009

Cover Letter For Dental Hygiene Position

This video is taken from a television program dedicated to Lis and aired on bilingualism Telechiara ...

In this video, parents tell their experiences.
The first is the president of FIADDA (
Italian Families Associate Deafness Rights Defense), parent of deaf children with cochlear implants, which defends the integration process continued with her daughter through learning Italian and lip reading.
supports literally "My daughter socializes with everyone because it knows that the natural language is Italian."

The second is a parent of a deaf child, said the choice of sending the child to a school that was implementing a project of bilingualism, fears (learn Lis beyond learning Italian?), The challenge. "My daughter feels, speaks, and more marks," he concludes.
also emphasize the allegation of "abandonment" that does this parent: "we did not feel as parents followed, as people, we always had health care professionals (...); want to make life easier for children, but also informed the parents. Why did the responsible choices must be made by parents, unfortunately. "

In this second video is the testimony of a teacher at the school Cossato (which takes place a year from project-Bilingualism italiano/Lis-)

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Experiences from the end! The meeting

To make sense of what I write and I want to share a piece is missing: why?
What is my project?
It 's time of presentation (self would say).
schoolboy's Degree in Professional Education, after many vicissitudes spent in cognitive psychology and psychobiological (vicissitudes which took place over many years in university), with the birth of my little baby who now looks like everything except for a little baby, I decided to change course Mom ... Dad, I want the teacher!
The reasons are manifold: first of all is that I just saw it, I, Claudia to support conversations or, worse, give test to my future patients, from the top of my desk and with an aseptic white coat.
The second, in which I firmly believe, is that I think I was born for this job: a job because of proximity, closeness, respect, sharing, reflection, responsibility, decision, revision, honesty and loyalty, justice.
So change course, not without the uncertainty of a human being when faced with new challenges. Exchange, but with a difference, with that little baby that made me upset parent and how to see and experience myself.
There would be a whole book to make it in writing here, I've done on the investment in him in us since we submitted the first Once in the study of the ultrasound! But in short, the time that is more like a sausage than a human being and after a myriad of courses to prepare for the VITAL It breaks, I see.
I understand that parents are not born, but you become parents, every day.
I understand that there are no perfect parents (but hard!)
I understand that parents are wrong, and often.
I understand that parents must learn to forgive their mistakes.
I understand that parents can and must apologize to their children.
I understand that parents have more expectations on their children.
I understand that expectations should not dominate the personality and needs children.
I understand these and many other things, many continue to include step by step, day by day but these are my own, personal, mine and mine alone, because as I said, fortunately and unfortunately there is no one right way to be parents, no one can ever boast of having the handbook of the perfect parent, but we can 'learn to find time for themselves and their children, the time to understand that parents want to be my son, as can be and to become aware and responsible parents .
In these two parallel paths (the parental and academic) have carried out my experiences in recent years and my main interest was then to be able to combine these two courses in parenting support.

Today: I'm attending the first level Lis ENS of Padua, with great enthusiasm because the Lis is a wonderful language that is teaching me not only able to reproduce the signs and communicate in Lis but really, and very much more.

The project
Wanting to join the triad (parenting, Univesità, Lis) my idea today is to increase my expertise with regard to deafness, to devise a plan to take care of hearing parents of deaf children.

Parenting is indeed a hard work and imbued with barriers, uncertainties, doubts, mistakes and achievements, but for parents (and specifically for parents of deaf children-who are deaf or non-) I think it is necessary to have a path of support that takes into account the implications that includes deafness, but also the educational difficulties that parents normally found in the structure their relationship with their children.

  • Creating a working group to support parents, who maintain the distinct educational and clinical.
  • Opportunities for mutual support groups to parents through regular meetings, or contact the parents can rely on their path.
  • Assisting parents in choosing a communication style shared key to a positive affective and emotional development of children. (The Lis !!??)
  1. in early childhood create opportunities for them to use different communication channels than hearing (ie above the visual channel, and the touch screen) such as massage to the child's narrative stories with the help of images.
  • Supporting parents in the acquisition of self-sima (support estimate), sharing fears and emotions related to being parents (emotional support), improve parenting skills by providing information and highlighting their importance (information support), parents as a resource within the family.
  • Underlining the importance that is inherent in the home: the deaf child should be able to familiarize and use it in childhood and / or adolescence all the tools that make it autonomous and independent (DTS, bell .. .)
  • Creating a support network which also includes the school environment, relations with the teacher and with fellow
  • Assessment of quantity and quality of the interactions of children in the class.
must remember a fact that a deaf child has to acquire a clear and well defined, even with respect to their deficit.
A child with a cochlear implant that is beginning to feel (we would be here to open another chapter), when he goes to bed at night off the system and is a deaf child, just like me who are myopic, that when not wearing glasses stop being shortsighted, but sempicemente use a tool that allows me to overcome the deficit.
(The metaphor is a bit risky?)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

For Sale Water Indicator Dots

was a winter afternoon, grigissimo and those that dampen any enthusiasm ... I have to go to class (Rovigo) today prof. of Sociology will be the last lesson: I do? I go? not go? Oh well, I'll go to the violence and take the train station, with feelings of regret that face my conscience every 5 seconds, I think. Arrival in a classroom
semi-desert, my colleagues have obviously shared my skepticism about the opportunity to go out with this time (ehehe!!), Within a little bully in order to disguise the embarrassment of arriving with half ' hour late and ... I find myself parachuted into the atmosphere surreal-academic: it will be the leaden gray that looks the window well, or will not seem at all a typical lecture by the distinguished Professor. sociology, known overseas to be owned by a Swiss Nazi ...
Professor. not just with him to take lessons there is a lively girl and the crown impatient ... is the daughter of deaf parents says, says what it means to live in silence, surrounded by people dominated by blablabla.
be clear, the problem is neither silence nor blablabla which even I am fervent follower. Tell
difficulties that deaf people face, not because of their being deaf, but because their neighbors, the teachers of their children, the emergency doctor, are not prepared to face to know, to relate to deaf people. Tell
wealth proper to the deaf, the Lis, beauty and wealth is in having to look into the eyes to the last "syllable" of looking to employ all their efforts in communicating, meeting deadlines, distances ..

A lesson over, I struggled to get up from that chair, we were all glued together, fascinated. no one had to run fast to catch the first train ...
I left with a kind smile on his face, as I said communicating is not just blablabla.

Fell And My Elbow Is Swollen

Lis and talk-action

Communicating for us all .... we can not communicate said the wise (For the record Watzlavick).

" The statement opens the report , and the relation with the other is already implicit in human existence itself. Every person is" a "," no "and" hundred thousand ", as taught by Pirandello. L ' personal identity, what we think of ourselves and what we think others think of us, you put together, piece by piece, in all exchanges of words and actions that we have with other human beings. "

Notice is always, constantly, you can not stop, because they communicate not only the emission and reception of words, phrases, meanings. Communicating is look, expression face, body, distances, close ... and much more.
Who would not happen to speak with someone and realize you have a conversation at the end sad smile on his face the fact that (ahinoi!) tells much more than do the words ...
Communication is a complex and fascinating world, which enriches and defines our personal identity

The Lis makes us aware of this complex community, because they belong to this wonderful language not only words, syntax and grammar rules, but also a whole set of shades of meaning, emotions, feelings that are expressed through modulation of the signs and gestures of total.