Since almost certainly not have been more in the skin, you upgrade a bit. 'And on two fronts:
1) Use and abuse language around the dock (vd post 1 and post 2 )
2) Small grow tax evaders. As the bread! (Vd post )
Regarding point number 1, it pains me to admit, it happened again. And this time, a few hundred meters away. For those who know the geography of the area you point out that we have gone far beyond the natural boundary of Piazza XXIV Maggio. This time the store was indicted in BRUMS Ticinese. We are now arrived, to borrow from dear to journalists covering the swine and the like, the phase IV. E 'pandemic!
There : Hello, I would like to see something for a child approximately 12 months!
Job : Let's see, I have these T-shirts or sweatshirts here with these paiette!
Map (twisting the long nose): With paiette before one year of age is too much! Even Platinette!
Job : Ah, well, but if you need something more basic ...
Here, the reconstruction would become fragmented at least I was too busy to keep the retching.
Why so warm? For two reasons: first, that the contagion is spreading along the shopping streets in Milan, more and more toward the center of the city, at this time, swarms of people, probably immunodepressed seen the cold and flu season! The second issue is that the shop sells clothes for children. Our babies are in danger!
regard, however, the already tedious issue of receipt by the baker I'm back in the usual clothing of any customer of the Ancient Furnace, being S. Gottardo. Nothing masked face, but a hat more shelter from the cold. That this is what has drawn once again misled the clerk behind the counter?
Map : Good evening, gives me a piece of that cake with zucchini, thanks!
Job (indicating a portion of the mammoth at the end of the thaw) : This may be enough?
Map : I would say no, do the half!
Job (a little 'disappointed for not having the whole cake trimmed to an hour before closing) : OK! Other?
Map : Yes, thank you, two slices of chocolate salami!
Job (3 Slipping into the bag ): Perfect, that's enough?
Map : Yeah yeah, ok
Job: ...
Map: ...
Job (given the continuation of the noise from the row): ... tell me!
Map: The receipt!
Job (with the usual fucking look of someone who pretends to forget, which is the same respondents from Report of the mafia, politicians, which is delivered by the tapir Gabibbo, healers of cancer with only the laying on of hands caught which are justified in the act, the child who says that the gattohavomitatoilsugodipomodorosuicompitiproprioqualchesecondoprimacheluiuscissedicasaperandareascuolamacheluiliavevafattituttituttidavverotuttigiuromaestratutttituttissimi!) : Oh, yes, excuse me!
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