Friday, December 24, 2010

Why Pay Extra For Polorized Oakley

Fragments milanesi/16 - Milan, Christmas

Milan at Christmas, is a salad of colored lights that flash incessant, at the rate of girls in high heels walking through the center, her hands folded bags by dozens of boutiques.
Milan at Christmas, is the showcase of Rinascente, and dressed up even more chaotic. And 'his plan to walk the earth, doing the slalom between orders diligent spraying in the air, betrayal, the latest fragrance.
Milan at Christmas, are the windows of the cathedral lit from within, shining on its surface colored dark and no one understands why not leave it all year.
Milan, on Christmas Day, Tiffany is a heart that falls from the ceiling of the gallery and hit a lady walking in the head. What will your Christmas this year in Milan.
Milan at Christmas, is that you buy Tiffany Duomo square with a giant turquoise-shop package, mounted in front of the world's most beautiful Gothic church. Consumerism, the pagan god with billions of followers, who openly challenge the home of a Jesus saying arises, also in Milan, on Christmas Day.
Milan at Christmas, there are many spheres of light purple with the words "Gazzetta dello Sport" in the city gates just where, sometimes, sleeping homeless people.
Milan at Christmas, is a homeless drunk that you drag the box where he sleeps below, the background of the shops open late.
Milan at Christmas, are a thousand Gospel choir who perform in churches and cathedrals, filled at least once a year.
Milan, Christmas, panettone. It 'a new album of Michael Jackson, so paradoxical to be normal on billboards La Feltrinelli.
Milan at Christmas, there are many families and groups of friends that are home to eat and drink champagne pandoro, forgetting for a moment diets and gyms.
Milan at Christmas, is also a lot of lonely people for whom Christmas is a day like any other. Worse.
Milan at Christmas, many doctors are guard, to toast with patients in hospital corridors.
Milan at Christmas, is a brief new Intimissimi, the people crowding the subways full of packages and office printing colorful greeting cards for friends and colleagues.
Milan at Christmas, is a gypsy with an amputated leg, sitting in the rain, wearing a Christmas hat that lights up. Not smiling and staring into space while the red lights are flashing on my forehead.
Milan at Christmas, are the terraces of the cathedral closed for too much snow. It 's a lot of cribs and decorated trees in the lobbies of the buildings downtown. And 'the colored lights on the water of the canals, the Museum of the twentieth century to give back dignity to one side of the square that had been forgotten over the years. It 's a Altromercato advent calendar, a toast with 50cm square wooden floors each, some money to charity, the mother of mascarpone.
Milan, Christmas is many things. Some good and some not. But "Milan, on Christmas" is also the title of a list on a blog, written especially for making wishes.

Merry Christmas, Milan or wherever you are!

Photos Here!

Olay Is It Good Facial


This afternoon I was walking home in the car, a little 'sleepy, in the pouring rain. On the radio was a Christmas song a few years ago. A car coming from the opposite direction is passed over a big puddle and splashed the equivalent of a bucket of water on my windshield. I closed my eyes, suddenly. As if that water was going to hit me at any moment. It 'lasted a second before the wipers pulisse everything but it was comforting, if only for a moment, to have rediscovered an instinct.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Hackear Club Nintendo

Fragments Milanesi/15 - The stairs

"Next stop: Porta Romana. Next stop: Porta Romana". And 'one of those new meters: seats still not worn by time by time and thousands of commuters who will asses rubbing, wagons are all united with the look that you lose almost indefinitely, like being between two mirrors, creating nauseating effects at every turn and, above all, a nasty voice that every 2 minutes, the station announced. In two languages. But that's not what I want to grumble.

I leave the car, every time like a cork of champagne suddenly shot to the neck of a bottle of furred warlord who wake up in agony at least 3 of their first stops, placing the marble in front of the sliding door. In a flash
are facing a long, very high scale. No, not an escalator. I make the first steps with the other commuters who have dropped me. In the background, the clatter of the subway again. It happens that, more or less invariably when I sight down there, travelers at the top of the ladder who have recently passed the turnstiles into, begin to move faster. Always fast, eating at the steps at a time or two, depending on the length of the legs and scared of falling, in small little steps, one at a time, but fast. The looks desperate, parcels held in their hands tossed here and there, dripping umbrellas that shed drops in the eyes of the neighbors crazy.
do not understand why they do so when it is obvious: they have lost the meter!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Brampton Mens Swimwear

The shadow of the stick

"Beautiful . Exceptional. Really, I liked it a lot . "So I could get away with telling you about this book by Crown I've just finished, but I would not be honest to the end. The shadow of the stick is a good novel, which ranks the fastest way between a tram and the other, or the night before to sleep. 272 \u200b\u200bpages, including epilogue, and when it comes to gratitude, you feel that you have read something special. good or bad I do not know, but certainly special!
is not one of those novels convoluted (I've always wanted to say that) the interweaving indecipherable to the last and full of characters who cross paths by losing track of the player. The events are few, but well marked and fluid flow in the film as the plot of ' water in the bed of Vajont, which is the quiet drama to the story of two mountaineers, best friends and a place of business in town, as so often divided by a woman. It is a love story, indeed, is as far removed from a Harmony can read in your life. Much of the plot, think about it, is all in a few lines.

" After I had seen the bones of my mother I no longer wanted the town of Bandon, but I had to do something because the matter was now with Ray Rivata at the end: either him or me.
And now, while I write this truth, no man knows how I feel regret for not having gone out of the country immediately after the beating. If he had gone to foreign countries or elsewhere, might not have happened what happened, but to think right, so he had to go because it had decided that bitch witch Melissa. And then when I am reminded of the witch I can not sleep if I do not sleep and I think my brother Bastianini is in the prisons of Udine, who is in her asylum Pergine and my mother and my father who went underground for two times, and my baby buried in the cheese "

admit it's not something that we read every day! reviews far more beautiful than this I can read plenty about Anobii . What I want to fix here, for the benefit of those who pass through these web pages as well as tired, of course, my impression of this world is the bucolic and raw, outlined by Crown with a very special skill. The objects, tastes, smells and scenery of this remote village of shepherds in the mountains come straight to the reader. It seems almost alive, even in the darkest moments already lived. The entire novel, if only to construct the narrative with fiction almost Manzoni of the discovery of a manuscript, it's like a huge Deja-vu.
The language of those times, after the first few pages in which it is difficult to engage the gear, it becomes ours, so it inspires you to cook with mix and salt pestles or leave the house with a basket , instead of a bag " wandering around the town empty, that the intense heat seemed that everyone was sleeping or had died .
And, once again, here is that these people apparently from the head closed, superstitious, bigoted, who has traveled the world, which "lacks the fifth grade, which slaughters, rennet, kills, sticks, grazing, seems to understand everything and can, indeed, to philosophy.

" Ah, Blessed Lord, what on earth I've done! If I could go back. But no going back, it's just 'stuff that can erase all na how to reverse the death. With the death of going back because they do not exist anymore, like when you were born. Death is back where he was first born, why we sometimes feel to die before their time: to go back. Life is like coming to give a 'n'occhiata in this world, to understand that and do not like to go back where you started. This is life, a visit to the land and run away again, not to hear its bad smell, as you run away when someone was cleaning the latrine in the district .

Smoking Marijuana For Herpes

Fragments milanesi/14 - Updates

Since almost certainly not have been more in the skin, you upgrade a bit. 'And on two fronts:

1) Use and abuse language around the dock (vd post 1 and post 2 )

2) Small grow tax evaders. As the bread! (Vd post )

Regarding point number 1, it pains me to admit, it happened again. And this time, a few hundred meters away. For those who know the geography of the area you point out that we have gone far beyond the natural boundary of Piazza XXIV Maggio. This time the store was indicted in BRUMS Ticinese. We are now arrived, to borrow from dear to journalists covering the swine and the like, the phase IV. E 'pandemic!

There : Hello, I would like to see something for a child approximately 12 months!
Job : Let's see, I have these T-shirts or sweatshirts here with these paiette!
Map (twisting the long nose): With paiette before one year of age is too much! Even Platinette!
Job : Ah, well, but if you need something more basic ...

Here, the reconstruction would become fragmented at least I was too busy to keep the retching.
Why so warm? For two reasons: first, that the contagion is spreading along the shopping streets in Milan, more and more toward the center of the city, at this time, swarms of people, probably immunodepressed seen the cold and flu season! The second issue is that the shop sells clothes for children. Our babies are in danger!

regard, however, the already tedious issue of receipt by the baker I'm back in the usual clothing of any customer of the Ancient Furnace, being S. Gottardo. Nothing masked face, but a hat more shelter from the cold. That this is what has drawn once again misled the clerk behind the counter?

Map : Good evening, gives me a piece of that cake with zucchini, thanks!
Job (indicating a portion of the mammoth at the end of the thaw) : This may be enough?
Map : I would say no, do the half!
Job (a little 'disappointed for not having the whole cake trimmed to an hour before closing) : OK! Other?
Map : Yes, thank you, two slices of chocolate salami!
Job (3 Slipping into the bag ): Perfect, that's enough?
Map : Yeah yeah, ok
Job: ...
Map: ...
Job (given the continuation of the noise from the row): ... tell me!
Map: The receipt!
Job (with the usual fucking look of someone who pretends to forget, which is the same respondents from Report of the mafia, politicians, which is delivered by the tapir Gabibbo, healers of cancer with only the laying on of hands caught which are justified in the act, the child who says that the gattohavomitatoilsugodipomodorosuicompitiproprioqualchesecondoprimacheluiuscissedicasaperandareascuolamacheluiliavevafattituttituttidavverotuttigiuromaestratutttituttissimi!) : Oh, yes, excuse me!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Pulsing Pain In Left Shoulder

grease stains

Yesterday, looking on facebook, and this morning, reading the newspaper, I was struck by how many people have been lavished in jubilation reckless hearing the news of non-confidence vote for Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. I was shocked to say the least. It seemed a little 'how to enjoy those grease stains that encrust the baking sheets after a dinner with friends. Rub, rub, do not They come never go away!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010